„Klimaschutz ist Gewässerschutz“, das wird uns allen klar, wenn wir unsere überhitzten und austrocknenden Gewässer in den letzten Jahren noch vor Augen haben!

Die Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie e.V. gehört daher auch zu den Unterzeichnern  eines internationalen Aufrufs von wissenschaftlichen Vereinigungen zum Klima- und Gewässerschutz: „Erklärung der weltweiten aquatischen wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften zur Notwendigkeit, auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse dringend Maßnahmen gegen den vom Menschen verursachten Klimawandel zu ergreifen„.  Wir hatten hier darüber berichtet.

Initiator ist die American Fisheries Society. Von ihr haben wir soeben einige Informationen zur aktuellen Entwicklung bekommen (im Wortlaut siehe unten), verbunden mit dem Aufruf, das Thema auch weiterhin in die Öffentlichkeit zu tragen. Gern kann dabei auch der offizielle Wortlaut der Erklärung verwendet werden. Die GfI hatte die deutsche Übersetzung geliefert.

Wie formuliert Scott Bonar so schön Let’s keep sharing!


Hier die Originalmitteilung von Scott Bonar, Ph.D., Immediate Past President American Fisheries Society:

World aquatics societies‘ climate statement makes USA today and other updates

Hi Aquatic Societies Climate Statement Participants,

Latest update.  Just wanted to continue keeping you climate folks in the loop.  Things are opening up!  We continue to get the statement out about the science of human-caused climate change on aquatic systems!  Here again is that article that showed in the Arizona Republic (largest Arizona newspaper and one of the largest in the US) the weekend before the election.  It was then picked up by USA Today (national US paper)!  It has some info on our university fish rescue in Sabino Canyon, but most importantly the climate statement by world aquatic societies.


I conducted Google searches and have seen that the statement is appearing all over the world in both social media and newspapers.  Good work everyone! Thanks for sharing this important science!  However, our job is not done.  Often, environmental scientists share a statement or article once and that is it.  You worked hard on this.  Let’s do what we can to keep the discussion alive so it will not be forgotten by the public.  We are doing everything we can at AFS to continue to share this.

We were told by our press people at the University and a contact who was a former executive at CBS News that having a local story to go with the statement makes the story of interest to local reporters.  This can be a big deal, because like the Arizona Republic, local papers are often picked up by national ones.  Try your local angle.  Do you have a local stream where fires are a problem?  Drought and drying?  Flooding?  Coral Reefs dying?  Peatlands disappearing? Fish moving poleward?  Talk about your local issue to your local press and include the climate statement.  This spreads the story of climate change too.

Also, for those of you who may not have seen Spanish and Portuguese translations of the climate statement, here they are attached.  A big thanks  to Alonso Ramirez <alonso.ramirez@ncsu.edu>; Pedro M Guerreiro <pmgg@ualg.pt>; and antonio.camacho@uv.es.

Our AFS plans coming up:  to share this information with the new U.S. administration and to continue to share in North America.  Furthermore, our membership just voted to have a standing committee on climate change to be created within the American Fisheries Society, and our current president, Brian Murphy, is also very interested in continuing to get the word out.

Best wishes and more updates to come!  Let’s keep sharing!

Scott Bonar, Ph.D.

Immediate Past President

American Fisheries Society

Dokumente zur Verfügung gestellt von Scott Bonar:

World Climate Statement_Español

World Climate Statement_Portugues

Declaratoria de las Sociedades Cientificas Acuaticas-Macrolatinos_español

Hintergrundfoto: (c) Scott Bonar