Save the date – 15th International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium: ISWSS15_Save_the_date

Importance of science for the management of the Wadden Sea World Heritage in the context of climate change

Watt’n Hus, Südstrand 11, Büsum, Germany, 23-26.03.2021

Organized by National Park Authority Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein, Ministry of Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment, Nature Conservation and Digitalization of Schleswig-Holstein, Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

„Dear members of the Wadden Sea Community,

It is our pleasure to host the 15th International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium (ISWSS) in Büsum, Schleswig-Holstein, on 23-26.03.2021. Find out more in the attached PDF. The most up-to-date information and the registration can be found on

You are invited to distribute this information within your network.“

Ms Marina Sanns
National Park Authority Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein
Schlossgarten 1 · 25832 Tönning
+49 4861 616-45 ·