Fully-funded four-year PhD scholarship related to the genomic basis of speciation in parasites and their fish hosts, in relation to freshwater-marine transitions

Uns erreicht folgende Anfrage von Kollegen aus Belgien, die wir hiermit gerne weiterleiten:

Dear friends and colleagues

I hope this email finds you well.

Please find below an announcement for PhDs with us that we would like to circulate. Could you make some publicity with potentially interested parties in your networks? Thanks so much!

Warm regards


A fully-funded four-year PhD scholarship is open within the Research Group Zoology at the Centre for Environmental Sciences of Hasselt University in Diepenbeek, Belgium, in collaboration with the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, in Brussels, Belgium.
The PhD will be supervised by prof. Maarten Vanhove, dr. Nikol Kmentová and prof. Maarten Van Steenberge.
The topic still has to be defined (in concertation with the candidate) but will relate to the genomic basis of speciation in parasites and their fish hosts, in relation to freshwater-marine transitions.
Interested candidates should hold a MSc in Biology (with excellent scores), be comfortable in a diverse and international working environment both in the field and in the home lab, and show keen interest in the diversity (including taxonomy) of parasitic flatworms, in fish biology, and in genomics (including bio-informatic pipelines).
Feel free to contact any of the supervisors for more information, or send an e-mail with your CV and short motivation to maarten.vanhove@uhasselt.be if you want to be considered for this position. Moreover, the same research group is looking to apply for competitive PhD scholarships on the topic of urbanisation and how it affects fish parasites (in collaboration with the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) and plant endophytes (in collaboration with Botanic Garden Meise). Excellent candidates who are keen to seek funding for these PhD projects together are welcome to send their CV to the same mailbox.

Hintergrundfoto: GfI (Heide-Rose Vatterrott)