„Eiersuche am Strand“ – Great Eggcase Hunt

Eiersuche am Strand, und das nicht nur zu Ostern – ein spannendes Citizen Science-Projekt zur Erfassung von Eikapseln von Rochen und Haien

„Finden und erfassen Sie leere Eikapseln, die an den Strand gespült wurden. Die Jagd nach Eikapseln ist ein großer Spaß für alle Altersgruppen! Klicken Sie hier, um alles zu finden, was Sie für den Anfang brauchen. – Find and record empty shark eggcases that have washed up on the beach. Eggcase hunting is great fun for all ages! Click here to find everything you need to get started.

What is an eggcase?

Some sharks, and all true skates, reproduce by laying eggs. These are surrounded by a tough leathery capsule that protects the embryo as it develops inside. After several months these are ready to hatch, and a fully-formed shark or skate will emerge. Once empty, the eggcases (or mermaid’s purses) often wash up on the beach. One of the best places to find them is among the strandline, where the seaweed washes up. The eggcases of different species vary. So, by looking at the size, shape and features, we can tell which species laid it. You can learn to identify eggcases too. We’ll show you how!

The project

The Great Eggcase Hunt began in 2003 following a chance find on a beach in Devon. The project quickly developed with the aim of getting as many people as possible out hunting for eggcases and recording their finds. Empty eggcases can help indicate species presence and diversity. By recording your finds, you’re helping us to discover more about egglaying species in our waters. Eggcases wash up all year round. So, whatever the time of year keep your eyes peeled!

Quelle (und weiter zum vollständigen Text): https://www.sharktrust.org/

Hintergrundfoto: GfI (Heiko Brunken)

2020-10-14T09:31:11+02:00Oktober 14th, 2020|
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