„Dear colleagues,

The Vjosa – one of Europe’s last wild rivers flowing unobstructed from its headwaters in Greece through Albania into the Mediterranean Sea – needs your help:

  • The two planned hydropower projects Kalivaçi and Poçemi would not only destroy this extremely valuable ecosystems, but also bear risks of considerable economic costs, such as increased downstream floods, coastal erosion, impediment to agriculture and many more.
  • In the attached Petition of Scientists for the Vjosa River, we – the Scientific Committee of the International Wild Rivers Science Symposium, held in Tirana on October 18th – have outlined the risks of the planned dam constructions in their downstream part. Our evaluation is based on the results of extensive research carried out on the Vjosa over the past few years.

The petition will be sent to the Albanian Government.

We would highly appreciate your help in this matter by supporting the attached petition and forwarding it to your colleagues in the scientific community.

If you agree to have your name listed under the petition, please forward your full name, academic title, university/research institution, and country (Example: Prof. Friedrich Schiemer, University of Vienna, Austria) to cornelia.wieser@riverwatch.eu by November 15. No actual signature required.“

Mitgeteilt und unterzeichnet von Prof. Aleko Miko, University of Tirana, und Prof. Dr. Friedrich Schiemer, Universität Wien, Mo, 4.11.2019  – Download Kurzinfo engl./alb.: ISWR 2019 – Vjosa Petition (EN&AL)