This is a test
Here comes the titel followed by some words
Here comes the titel followed by some words
Invitation 18th meeting of the German Ichthyological Society (GfI), 17.-20.11.22, Vienna, Natural History Museum Dear colleagues, We would like to cordially invite you to the conference of the German Ichthyological Society (GfI), which will be held this November in the Natural History Museum Vienna Invitation: Invitation GFI Conference Registration: Anmeldeformular_Registration_GfI_2022_Wien Formular We believe this [...]
GfI fish species atlas now also presents marine fishes The GfI Fish Species Atlas now also includes marine fish from the North and Baltic Seas. All 94 species from the "Red List and Total Species List of Established Fishes and Lampreys (Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii & Petromyzontida) of the Marine Waters of Germany" by Thiel et al. [...]
Once again this year, the Association of German Fishery Management Officials and Fishery Scientists eV (VDFF) praised a grant award at the German Fishery Day in Magdeburg from 20 to 22 August 2019. More information here: Förderpreis posteression